We typically print run quantities of 10,000 or less, although we do print runs much larger and smaller than that - please inquire about your specific quantity.
Online Printing System is a prepress process that bridges the gap between online digital content and commercial print production. The process allows a print house, a client, or a graphic designer to create, edit, and approve computer-based online templates during the prepress phase. This process increasingly calls for a Portable Document Format (PDF) workflow environment with output provided by digital printing.
There are three options for designing and customizing a product. Click a product on the left-hand panel and choose one of the options.
1. Custom Design: lets you customize the products. Click it to open the design studio and use multiple tools to create your own design.
2. Upload Design: using this option, you can upload your own JPG, JPEG, EPS, AI, PDF, and PSD images.
3. Browse Design: use this to select hundreds of pre-loaded templates. Work on them or customize them through our design studio.
Yes we do, and you can access it through your account.
Normally 12, but it can depend on if the artwork bleeds off the edges or not.
For continuous forms, we can do up to 5 parts, and for snap-out and edge-glued forms up to 4 parts. We can do up to a 6-part form on 20lb papers
No carbon required.
There is no difference.
Carbonless papers have been treated with chemicals that react when written on.The chemical on the back of the first sheet is different than the chemical on the front of the second sheet, when you write on the first sheet the impression makes the two chemicals react to one another.
Some do. The papers that work are 20lb. weight and have been treated with a chemical to withstand the heat and make them laser compatible.
Yes we can. There is an upcharge depending on the colors chosen.
No, we print NCR carbonless papers only.
Yes, we can include an area on a multipart form that will not allow the carbon to work on subsequent layers (leaving that area blank on lower pages). We can also provide a block-out area that masks portions of a form on subsequent layers, making them virtually unreadable.
Yes they can , from 1 to 4 colors
Yes , available colors are yellow , pink , blue , gold , and green . Ask for a special quote.
Yes , NCR carbonless forms can be padded like a notepad with a chipboard backer
Holes in the stub are a result of the manufacturing process. The holes are used to feed papers through the printing press and to register or line up copies when they are collated together.
Yes we do, we use a 33lb tag, comes in white or manilla. These papers only come coated front meaning they can't be the top sheet of your form or they won't image.
Yes, only because we will need additional plates to print the forms. Choose the pull down menu that reads "Plate Changes Between Parts ".
Yes we can, contact us for a quote.
We can screen the type back 30%. If the type is unreadable once screened we would recommend printing in solid black and print on 20lb papers.
Double stub refers to a form that is fastened on both ends by a "stub" that is perforated for removal.
A double stubbed NCR carbonless form allows you to have one end of your form fastened into a book and when removed the second stub keeps the forms together as a set.
One or two strips of doubled sided tape can be applied on the back side of a carbonless form during manufacturing.
Yes. We can make pads like a note pad not to be confused with a NCR carbonless book that has a cover that wraps around. If you pad your NCR carbonless forms you will have to tear one off to use it so the image does not go through to the form below it.
Yes you can. There will be an additional cost because each copy requires a separate plate for printing.
Yes, we can fold 2-4 part forms.
No, other paper sequences are available, but it may add to your cost.
Yes we can, but not all 4 sides .
Snapset carbonless forms have a stub or perforation on one side so that form copies can be "snapped" or torn off along the perforation.
Yes, but only in a tag or heavy weight.
No, carbonless papers will not image backside to backside.
Yes you can but what you write will not image through and there is a coating on the backside of the paper that can be difficult to write on. A ball point pen works best.
Yes they can - send us a custom quote.
Snapout carbonless forms have a stub or perforation on one side so that form copies can be "snapped" or torn off along the perforation.
No, each page will pull through separately. Laser printed carbonless forms have to be glued after they are run through your laser printer.
Yes, but this is normal and it is not harmful in any way.
Our recommendation is that NCR carbonless paper be imaged ( used as a form ) within one year of it's making.
Straight collation means the white copy ( part one ) is on top.
June 30th , 1953 . It was commercially available in 1954.
Lowell Schleicher and Barry Green while working for Appleton Papers.
Yes, an extra 20lb bond sheet can be added to the front of a carbonless set, just keep in mind it will not image when written on.
"Matchbook" refers to a booked carbonless form that has a stitched wrap around cover.
Tape is used on some books as a way to cover the sharp edges of the "staples" or "stitches" that are used to bind the book into a set.
Yes, we can add a piece of chip board inside the back cover
Yes, they can. These would have to be press numbered ( each part numbered separately ) as opposed to crash numbered. Contact us for a quote.
No, they do not . The only way to accomplish fluorescent colors on a carbonless form is to print or flood coat in those ink colors.
Tagline refers to the copy designations at the bottom of the form . Example : White copy - office , Yellow copy - sales .
Yes, some of the pages can be made without a perforation so they can't be removed.
Yes and no. We can make a 4 part form that does not image from part 2 to part 3 but by writing on it will image to part 4, so to accomplish this you would have to insert a piece of chipboard in between parts 2 and 3 before writing on part 1.
MICR stands for magnetic ink character recognition. This ink is used for checks and security documents so banks can scan the encoding information which includes account and bank ID numbers.
Checks are numbered in 3 different ways, with MICR ink, MICR ribbon ,or laser printer MICR toner.To ensure the best quality and accuracy we use a wax based MICR ribbon.
MICR stands for magnetic ink character recognition. This ink is used for checks and security documents so banks can scan the encoding information which includes account and bank ID numbers.
There are two reasons why checks pull or stick together through laser printers .
1 . Static - Fan through them and try again.
2. The puller wheels on your printer are dirty.
Micro-printing is small 1 point type that is not visible to the naked eye, it can only be seen when magnified. Used as a seccurity feature on security documents.
Yes, up to 4 parts.
Crimping is a way of holding multiple part continuous forms together in the margins. The "crimp" is made by a spinning shaft with steel prongs on a machine called a collator. The prongs cut through all parts of a form and creates paper slits or teeth. The "crimp" is strong but flexible for use in dot matrix printers.
There are three reasons why continuous carbonless forms come apart and jam in your printer.1. The crimps or fastners are not strong enough. 2. The printer thickness setting is set incorrectly. 3. If it's a multiple part carbonless form the sheets are not all the same length.
Yes, we can . Send us a custom quote .
Yes, we can . If the top sheet is colored other than white it adds additional cost and you will need a custom quote.
No, we cannot .
Dot matrix printers evolved from typewriters. The spacing is the same , vertically in 1/6" (Picas) and horizontally in 1/10".
Remit or remittance envelopes are designed for money collection. They are designed with a larger flap used for filling out donation amounts.
Peel and Seal envelopes have a strip of double sided tape on the back that is removed for sealing. Self seal envelopes have a latex glue on the back that works by just closing and pressing the flap down to seal.
Baronial flaps or "Bar" envelopes have long pointed flaps.
Machine insertable means the flap on the envelope is cut so the envelope can be used in high speed inserting equipment.
Fast forward window envelopes have a window that is designed not to protrude into the bar code clear zone.
OECS stands for open end center seam.
Yes, these are referred to as "bangtail" or "dual purpose" envelope . Contact us for a quote.
Dual Purpose envelopes have a long extended flap that is perforated for removal .The flap can be filled out like a form and returned with the envelope. The difference between a Dual purpose and a remittance is the Dual purpose has a perforated flap.
Refers to the construction , stand for outside side seam .
Remoistenable adhesives are derived from corn starch and do not contain wheat or rye gluten.
Tyvek® is a nonwoven sheet structure made from very fine high-density polyethylene fibers. These fibers are flashspun, then laid as a web on a moving bed before being bonded together by heat and pressure. The resulting sheet of material is then converted for a multitude of uses in envelopes and packaging, construction, protective garments, medical packaging, graphics, tags and labels. This unique process does not require binders or additives, so Tyvek® can be recycled after its use.
source : dupont.com
Envelopes should be packed and stored resting on edge, not laying flat. Envelopes should be stored in areas that are well ventilated and dry because humidity can cause envelopes made with remoistenable adhesive to prematurely reactivate and tack together (blocking). Ideal storage conditions are temperatures of 65-85ο Fahrenheit and humidity at 35-65 percent RH (relative humidity).
Boxes and cartons should be closed and sealed to prevent moisture from damaging the envelopes. Boxes should not be placed directly on the floor, but placed on a raised surface such as a wooden pallet to avoid having moisture from the floor permeate the boxes and affect the envelopes. Pallets should be stretch wrapped to further protect the boxes of envelopes.
Following the proper storage procedures will help prolong the shelf life of your envelopes.
No . Laser printers will melt or damage Tyvek material . Use labels on your Tyvek envelopes for mailing.
Yes. Most inks and many markers work on Tyvek®, although some may “run” or “feather”. For best results, try permanent markers (e.g. Sharpie®), ball point pens, or a No. 2 pencil.
Source : dupont.com
Open side style envelopes’ measurements are always expressed as height x width. With the opening facing upward, measure vertically from the bottom to the top along the edge. This is the height. Then measure across the top from left to right. This is the width. As an example, a #10 envelope measures 4 1/8 (height) x 9 ½ (width). For an Open End (or Catalog) envelope, the measurements are expressed as width x height. For example, a 9 x 12 Open End envelope would measure 9 inches across the top (or open) end, and 12 inches along the vertical side.
Window measurements are expressed as size, and location from the left edge and bottom. As an example, a "standard" window measures 1 1/8 x 4 1/2. The measurement from the window’s left edge to the left edge of the envelope is 7/8 inch. From the bottom of the window to the bottom edge of the envelope, the measurement is 1/2 inch. So, the size and location of a standard window would be expressed as 1 1/8 x 4 1/2, 7/8 Left, 1/2 Bottom.
Tri-bright stock offers a alternative to Tyvek papers that combines the benefits of a bright white paper with the durability of a synthetic paper using a paper/film/paper construction. This stock is the same as Paper Tyger brand papers.
They are not , they are made from 24lb white wove bond paper
Normal Variances
Normal machinery variances in the envelope manufacturing industry are +/- 1/16”. This occurs because as machinery runs, it heats up, and metal expands. In addition, normal wear in cylinders and bearings can cause subtle variations in cutting location and folding scores. As a result, your envelope may be slightly larger or slightly smaller than you ordered. The window position may be slightly off. The key word here is “slightly” because 1/16” is very small. Your envelope manufacturer will make every attempt to hold tolerance, but if your application requires an exact measurement, it’s best to let the envelope manufacturer know so he/she can adjust the machinery for variation in a manner that falls within your size tolerance.
For standard #10 window envelopes, the industry recommends that you order a window that is no lower than 5/8” from the bottom of the envelope. The Postal Service mandates that the envelope window be no closer than ½” from the bottom of the envelope. By selecting a 5/8” window, you know that you are well within postal tolerances.
Flexographic printing plates also have a small amount of “play” in them. Remember that your envelope manufacturer will insist that you approve the artwork and will make the product that conforms to your exact instructions. It is difficult for the industry to interpret what you thought you wanted, so it is important for you to look at every proof carefully and make sure the measurements are correct, the barcode is correct and the artwork is where you want it to be. Most flexographic printing variations are so small they may be difficult to detect without a trained eye using a magnifier. Remember, barcode placement, if used on the outside of the envelope, must be exact per USPS regulations. Familiarize yourself with those regulations and take into account that a small amount of variation in plate thickness and placement can occur as the press heats up and vibrates. Most postal regulations assume some small variation, but if the regulations show exact placement, they should be exact.
Envelope gum lines (adhesives) should be exact. Envelope manufacturers carefully check for gum “slinging” or excessive gum around the windows. Some even use pattern gumming equipment to make sure gum lines are exact. It is important that during your visual inspections you note any imperfections in the gum. Please also note that envelope seal flap gums are designed with high speed inserting in mind. They wet and tack quickly. Sometimes mailroom staff do not use the proper type of wetting agent or fail to clean their wetting equipment, which can cause problems with envelopes sealing after inserting. It is always important to check the condition of inserting equipment because the solution to the problem might be right in front of you. Before you suggest it is the envelope, check out the equipment one more time.
There are subtle variations in ink that occur for a wide variety of reasons. The substrate used, the ambient temperature, humidity, and other contaminants can impact printing quality. Remember to clearly specify the PMS color on your order. Nearly all envelope manufacturers have handheld color densitometers so they can check for color variation right at machine delivery. Most envelope manufacturers do this as part of their quality manufacturing programs.
Source: envelopes.org
Can Tyvek® envelopes be used on automatic insertion and inkjet addressing/barcoding equipment? Will they need any special equipment for either of these processes?
Yes, Tyvek® envelopes will run on standard insertion and inkjet printing machines, without special equipment.
Automatic Insertion:
Tyvek® envelopes have been tested and will process on standard inserters made by major equipment manufacturers. Results can vary, depending upon machine setup, envelope design, and the basis weight of the Tyvek® used for the envelope. You should consult your equipment manufacturer’s envelope design specifications to assure that key design parameters (i.e. flap dimensions, flap taper, throat design, enclosure clearance) are considered in the envelope production. Envelope types are typically open-side booklet or diagonal seam, with remoistenable gum closure. You may also want to consider using a heavier basis weight Tyvek® substrate (18# vs. 14#) for your envelopes for smoother insertion.
If your customers are hand inserting Tyvek® envelopes with pressure sensitive closures, they could eliminate a very time-intensive process by switching to automatic insertion and water-activated gum closures.
Inkjet Addressing/Barcoding:
Tyvek® envelopes are compatible with many inkjet systems. In fact, a variety of oil-, solvent-based, and UV cure inks have been developed specifically to print on synthetic materials, like Tyvek®, and provide acceptable inkjet addressing/barcoding on Tyvek® envelopes. Contact your equipment manufacturer or ink supplier for more information on the inks they offer for synthetic substrates you should contact your equipment manufacturer or ink supplier.
For mailers using water-based inks, line adaptations can provide satisfactory results on most systems. Some of these modifications may include: draft-mode printing, which requires less ink; extended feed intervals, which provide more time for the ink to dry; supplemental driers; and extended exit.
For more information, contact us online.
We can accept Purchase Orders from schools or governmental offices. We can accept Purchase Orders from companies with established credit
No, the price list indicates the basic prices of products against the speculative quantities. The prices are calculated with regard to the most basic paper/card types, sizes, and single-sided printing. As you know, the final printing cost depends on many parameters: paper/card weights or thickness (GSM/Pt), glossy or matt finish, 2 or 4 colors, square or rounded corners, single or double side printing, quantity, destination shipping charges and the mode of transport. Please use the indicative prices for calculating the basic cost. Once you place the order using the above parameters, we will quickly mail you the final, exact cost.
Full color or process color means we are printing in 4 or more colors using the 4 primary colors , black , magenta , yellow , and cyan.
No. Numbering is a seperate operation done offline.
When a color is trapped it means it overlaps another color so that the two colors can register together.
A tag line is a description at the bottom of a carbonless form that describes where each copy is distributed to. Example - White Copy: Office Yellow Copy: Customer Pink Copy: Sales
Words printed in red on a carbonless form that designates where each copy or part of the form is distributed. Example - Office Copy
Press numbering is numbering that appears on each part of a NCR carbonless form in red ink. The numbers are printed while the form is being printed on press.
Crash numbering is numbering that is placed on NCR carbonless forms by impacting with a numbering head after the forms are printed. The number prints in red on the first part of the form then images on the parts below.
We don't have standard ones and we don't charge extra for PMS colors unless it's a metallic ink or special mix.
Slip sheets can be used as separators between pages or sets. Example: If you have 5000 letterhead and you want to count the 100's we can "slip sheet" them every 100 with a colored piece of paper.
No, as long as we have enough gripper on one edge we can print the bleeds.
Printing presses need to be able to hold onto paper to pull it through the machine. Gripper refers to where the amount of space the press needs to grab the paper , there can't be any printing in this area. Generally 5/16"?
A master refers to a base run that is printed in multiple colors so that smaller imprints can be printed later in 1 color .
Yes we do, call or email us for a quote.
Yes we do, we print crack and Peel labels.
Yes, when printing black is considered a color because each color printed requires a plate and ink tower on a press.Example; if your project has black plus green ink on it we would consider that two color because each color is printed separate.
Perfecting refers to printing presses that print both the front and the back of a sheet of paper at the same time.
Pack to Pack describes printing presses that start with a pre-perfed and punched stack of continuous carbonless paper, feed it through a press and refold it into a printed "pack" or stack.
Coated papers are available in two finishes – glossy (shiny and smooth) and matt (flat and lusterless). Coated glossy papers reflect the light evenly so they are suitable for almost all types of printing jobs. Glossy papers have a good ink holdout, which is important for creating sharp, bright images.
We use offset printing, which provides the highest quality of print material for both text and images.
We manufacture and ship all our products from our facility in Battle Creek Michigan.
We can deliver on our trucks within a 100 mile radius of Battle Creek Michigan.
Yes we do.
Yes we do.
Yes we do.
Yes we do.
We can. Choose the 3 rd party option in the shipping menu and tell us your account number in special instructions.
Forms yes , checks no.